Voice for HOPE (Healers Of Planet Earth) is dedicated to advancing the wellbeing of Americans by bringing together consumers, practitioners and producers of complementary, alternative and integrative health and wellness approaches to play a greater role in health policy formation and implementation.

Voice For HOPE is pleased to introduce the important work of composer and media producer Gary Malkin and Wisdom of the World’s new WisdomFilms™, a collection of 3-6 minute films that offer intimate spoken wisdom enhanced through the power of music and imagery. The films are based on the belief that this is a time in which media can be a source of “inner-tainment”, an emotionally intelligent resource that people can use to awaken, connect to greater meaning, and serve as a reminder of what matters most. We believe these films represent a new wave in media that promotes emotional and spiritual sustainability, following in the massive trend toward the integration of body, mind, and spirit. More info about Voice for Hope

The Stillness is You:
Whispering the Mystery
- Deepak Chopra

Walk On:
A Revelation on the Mystery of Life
- Jyoti

The End of Suffering:
Invoking Peacefulness
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Unconditional Love:
Remembering What's Most Important
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Marvelous Power:
Honoring You
- Bob Proctor

The Welcoming:
Coming Home
Michael Stillwater

Be Here Now:
Awakening in the Moment
- Ram Dass

Returning Home:
Realizing Oneness
- Tu Weiming



"These inspiring short films can help us connect to our deepest selves to the vast world we live in. No service could be more important. A multi-sensory feast for the senses!”
Thomas Moore
Bestselling Author of “Care of the Soul”


Welcome to WisdomFilms™, a new genre in contemplative, life-enhancing media. These films can offer a refreshing way to reduce stress and restore balance to your mind, heart, and soul. By featuring spoken wisdom from today’s most acclaimed voices in self-help and spirituality, these film sanctuaries provide experiences of profound beauty and a connection to what matters most.

Each WisdomFilm™ starts with inspiring messages provided by beloved personalities such as bestselling author Deepak Chopra, success coach Bob Proctor, Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh and spiritual teacher Ram Dass, along with other noted Wisdom Keepers of our time. Scored by Emmy award-winning composer Gary Malkin, the musical messages are then set to the breathtaking imagery of award-winning cinematographer, David Fortney, providing a “media alchemy” that you'll want to experience again and again.

At a time of global fear and anxiety, these “media-tations” offer an antidote that can inspire and awaken all who experience them. Whether utilized as a personal alignment tool or as a shared experience with loved ones, you can experience the magic of transformational media that is spreading throughout the world.

Production Credits

WisdomFilms™ Conceived and Produced by
Gary Malkin

Cinematography and Editing by
David Fortney

Spoken word and music montages composed and produced by
Gary Malkin

Music Co-Produced by
Dan Alvarez

Digital Imaging and DVD Authoring by
Claire Shepard

Titles, Branding, and DVD Design by
Brooks Cole, www.HoloCosmos.com

Special Thanks To
Alan Kolsky, Digital Video Dimensions.com
Jim Hollenbeck and Kevin Sanchez, Hollenbeck and Associates (Publicity)
Wisdom of the World Production Team: Jeanete Biasotti, Ph.D., Will Chang

Excerpts included from
Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying
Produced by Michael Stillwater and Gary Malkin
Published by New World Library (NewWorldLibrary.com)
Produced by Wisdom of the World.com

We wish to express our appreciation to Bill Heinrich and Paul Hoyt
for their significant contributions to the Wisdom of the World mission.

A Wisdom of the World Production

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